
How To Make Your Own Sanitizing Wipes

sanitizing wipes for hands

In a recent mail where I explained the difference betwixt cleaning and sanitizing, I mentioned that if something is noticeably dirty, information technology's better to clean information technology and remove the grime earlier attempting to sanitize it. That's why information technology'southward ultimately preferable to wash your hands instead of using hand sanitizer, because washing your hands cleans your skin and eliminates germs, while hand sanitizer only kills germs.

Only when yous're out of the house, you don't always accept the option to launder your hands with soap and water. When yous demand to make clean and sanitize your hands on the go, having a pack of sanitizing wipes with you lot tin really come in handy! And in today's post, I'll show you exactly how easy it is to make your own homemade sanitizing wipes for just such occasions.


What'southward In Them?

Rubbing alcohol makes upwards the bulk of the sanitizing solution in these wipes, while a flake of coconut oil helps clean and moisturize your skin. The addition of lavander and lemon essential oils not only makes them wonderfully fragrant, but provides boosted antibacterial properties as well.

Ready to requite them a attempt for yourself? Here's everything yous demand to know to brand your very own sanitizing wipes at home!

How To Brand Your Own "Swipes," AKA Sanitizing Wipes For Hands



~l napkins (or newspaper towels)
1 ane/2 cups rubbing alcohol, seventy% or higher
ane Tbsp coconut oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
iii drops lemon essential oil



Stack your napkins or newspaper towels into whatever container you want to store your finished wipes in. (An empty infant wipe container works perfectly hither, but yous could even use a ziplock bag if you're brusk on sturdier options.)


Microwave the rubbing alcohol simply until warm, so add the coconut oil and stir to incorporate the melting oil.


Add the essential oils, stir again, then cascade the mixture all over your stack of wipes. Permit the liquid to fully saturate the wipes, and that's all there is to it!


Apply your sanitizing wipes as needed to clean and sanitize your hands while on the get.

FLASH Auction

Make your ain sanitizing wipes for even less! For the side by side 48 hours, y'all tin can get both lemon and lavender essentials oils for 50% off in my shop.

Shop NOW

No lawmaking needed. Prices as marked. Sale ends 1/21/22 at 11:59pm MST.


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